E=MC2. Our signature 90 day program
The Environment
Many businesses continue to be burdened by the challenge of financial targets requiring
revenue growth, profit and/or efficiency measures beyond their current levels of performance.
○ This creates immense stress and pressure for leaders and managers throughout the
○ At the same time, we see a flat trend in overall engagement rate, with only 23% of
employees rating themselves as engaged. This number has not changed since 2022 (Gallup 2024).
o Managers account for 70% of the variance in team employee engagement (Gallup
○ McKinsey 2023 reported 40% of workers are unhappy at work and considering leaving
their jobs in the next 3-6 months.
The Opportunity
○ Companies with top quartile engagement scores reported 23% superior profitability and up to 43% lower staff turnover, and 41% lower absenteeism (Gallup 2021)
○ In an 11 year study, companies whose employees ranked their culture most highly showed 4x the growth of poorly rated culture companies
○ 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt better appreciated (Hubspot, 2022)
○ Clearly there is a strong link between superior engagement and superior business results!
Spiking Engagement
○ Most business leaders are convinced that significantly increasing employee engagement will lead to improvements in business results
○ BUT…..many leaders have struggled to find impactful initiatives that really spike engagement. Instead, engagement “fixes” can resemble laundry lists of improvements that may be both expensive and slow to take effect
○ At engage4performance, we have learned that Curiosity and Courage are both hard-wired to overall engagement, and can be spiked quickly if addressed simultaneously. Therefore we focus exclusively on precision interventions that re-ignite Curiosity and Courage. Our signature E=MC2 program is a 90 day intensive intervention that catalyses behaviour change fast!
The E=MC2 Program
○ The 90 day program to catalyse superior business results
Curiosity and Courage Pulsecheck to assess the current situation and set a baseline
Intensive work with the leadership team, both 1:1coaching and team workshop to drive awareness and belief in the need for change, and crafting a bespoke action plan ready for short term implementation
Introduction of the C2 Meeting Method™ which will fast-track spikes in both Curiosity and Courage, and ensure the new behaviours become part of your company culture
Click to set up a call where we will assess the suitability of E=MC2 for your business and potentially schedule a no-obligation mini-pulsecheck to preview levels of Curiosity and Courage in your current organisation.
Engage 4 Performance Partnership
Large or more complex organisations wanting to embed Curiosity and Courage as foundations of their long term culture may require a bespoke solution that goes beyond the scope of a 90 program. At engage4perofmance I selectively offer longer term partnership programs to embed the core principles of E=MC2 across multiple geographies and functions in a coordinated and cohesive approach. I utilise best practice change management techniques and my own personal experience to ensure tangible outcomes. Most importantly I operate as a partner and coach to the respective leadership teams to ensure your people see this as your initiative, and that all key leaders become role models of your newly chosen culture.
Click to set up a call where we can begin the process of scoping your best-fit solution.